Private parameters for program NSCAN



This document contains an overview of the parameter interface of the program NSCAN. The program also uses a number of public interfaces; references to these are also listed. show parameters that The remainder of the document describes the individual parameters in alphabetical order. This description centers on the Help texts, which have been designed to guide the user to the proper choice at each junction, even if his knowledge of the overall workings of the program is only superficial.

Descriptions of the individual parameters

References to public interfaces

See also:

Parameter ARC_OPTION

Prompt: ARC Action
Expected input: Character *24: 1 value

Checking in a WSRT tape has two phases. In the first phase, the ARC option
CHECK is used to verify the general integrity of the tape. The tape is listed
and all blocks are read. In the second phase labels are copied to the archive
medium (with the DUMP option) and the Scissor database is updated through ARC
option ARCHIVE.

Parameter BITPIX

Prompt: Precision for writing UVFITS output
Expected input: Integer: 1 value

Specify the precision for writing UVFITS data.

   16     2 bytes integers
   32     4 bytes integers
  -32     IEEE Floating point values (not yet supported)

Parameter CHANNELS

Prompt: frequency channel number(s)
Expected input: Integer: 1 to 512 values

Select the frequency channels/bands to be included. NOTE that the WSRT
continuum channel (i.e. the sum of all channels) always has number 0

   '*' selects all channels

   '<begin> TO <end>> BY <step>' selects channels <begin>, <begin>+<step>, ...
        up to <end>. The 'BY <step>' part may be omitted.
   BEWARE: The notation <begin>-<end>:<step> will be interpreted as an
        expression and give incorrect results

Each of the selected channels will be stored in the .SCN file as a separate
'channel' (chn) under the current 'group', 'observation' and 'field'
grp.obs.fld. (Remember that .SCN file 'sectors' are identified by indices

Parameter HAB_OFFSET

Prompt: Start-offset (sec)
Expected input: Real: 1 value

Specify the time-offset from the start of an observation, at which the
integration for the output scans should start. Example: an offset of n will
throw away the first n (rounded up to a multiple of 10) seconds of data.

NOTE: This feature was useful in early mosaic experiments in which the slewing
between fields occurred in the first integration interval(s) on the new field.
It is now standard practice to slew during the final integration interval on
the old source.

Parameter IAT_UTC

Prompt: MJD, leap seconds,...
Expected input: Real: 1 to 20 values

Specify the IAT-UTC values as pair(s) of numbers:

   MJD at which the leap seconds occur
   The total number of leap seconds as from that date.

The first value is for 1 Jan 1991. Values before that are known by the program.

Parameter IFSETS

Prompt: integration time for total-power data
Expected input: Integer: 1 value

Specify the desired integration time for IF sets with Total Power data.

Parameter INPUT_FILE

Prompt: input filename
Expected input: Character *80: 1 value

Specify the input disk-file name.

For the NSCAN LOAD-from-disk option, or for the NSCAN PFITS option, don't
specify a file extension: it will be made by the program on the basis of the
tape label number.

In the case of other NSCAN options, give the full file name.


Prompt: input tape labels
Expected input: Integer: 1 to 256 values

Specify the tape labels to be read.

   '*' selects all labels

   '<begin> TO <end>> BY <step>' selects labels <begin>, <begin>+<step>, ...
        up to <end>. The 'BY <step>' part may be omitted.
   BEWARE: The notation <begin>-<end>:<step> will be interpreted as an
        expression and give incorrect results

Each of the selected labels will be stored in the .SCN file as a separate
'observation' (obs) in the current 'group' grp. (Remember that .SCN file
'sectors' are identified by indices grp.obs.fld.chn.seq).

        If the current group nr is <g>, the selected input labels will be
stored sequentially in the .SCN file as observations <g>.0, <g>.1, <g>.2


Prompt: integration time (sec)
Expected input: Integer: 1 value

Specify the desired integration time per output scan in seconds.
120 sec is a good default; a lower value should be selected if visibilities
vary rapidly as a consequence of the source distribution in the observed field,
atmospheric conditions or interference.

For standard observations, the number must be a multiple of the basic
integration time used for the observation (which is some multiple of 10 sec).

In WSRT mosaic observations, slewing occurs in the last 10 sec of the dwell
time on each subfield. The integration time you specify must therefore at most
be <dwell time> minus 10 sec. You may also use a submultiple of this value
without losing data.

        If the dwell time is 90 sec, there is 80 sec of valid data. HA_INT = 80,
    40, 20 or 10 will use it all. However, HA_INT = 30 or 60 will result in the
    loss of the last 20 sec.

        The volume of your data in the .SCN depends primarily on the
integration time. For each integration interval a 'scan' is created which
consists of

        <nr of polarisations> * <nr of interferometers> * 12 + 1024 bytes

Model visibilities which may be added later will occupy another

        4 * <nr of interferometers> * 12 bytes .                 NOTE:
        The WSRT runs on Universal Time; the quantum of integration time is
therefore 10 UT seconds, and a full 12-sidereal-hour observation contains
somewhat less than 12*360 of these quanta. You can mostly ignore this subtlety,
but the difference may be of practical importance in some situations.

Parameter OLD_DATTYP

Prompt: Old R-series data format
Expected input: Integer: 1 value

Specify the old R-series data type:

        0= local
        1= VAX, D_FORMAT
        2= VAX, G_FORMAT
        3= ALLIANT
        4= CONVEX
        5= IEEE
        6= DEC station
        7= SUN station
        8= HP  station

Parameter OPTION

Prompt: Action
Expected input: Character *24: 1 value

Specify the action to be performed by the program NSCAN:

   Operations on WSRT 'circle' observation files (on classical, DAT or Exabyte
   tape, magnetic or optical disk):

        LOAD     transfer observed visibilities into a .SCN file.
        IFLOAD   same, but also transfer the 'IF' data (total powers etc). The
                  extra data will enlarge the .SCN file by some 30%
                  them only if you suspect that the on-line gain calibration has
                  been incorrect.
        LEIDEN   transfer observed visibilities from standard LEIDEN file into a
                  .SCN file
        LIST     show contents of selected labels
        ARC      as list, but update the Scissor database if at NFRA
        DUMP     copy selected label(s) byte for byte into a disk file

   Conversion to and listing of data in FITS format

        UVFITS   convert .SCN file to UVFITS tape/disk file for use in AIPS
        PFITS    print AIPS-like FITS info (but also other) from UVFITS file

   Display and editing of .SCN files:

        SHOW     show/edit data and header information in .SCN file. (This
                   option is duplicated in NFLAG.)


        QUIT     leave the program NSCAN

        CVX      convert a .SCN file from other machine's number format
        NVS      convert a .SCN file to newest version. Needs only to be run if
                   programs report that the data has the wrong version
                  - calculates parallactic angle for ATNF
        NOPT     update contents of sector/scan headers and polarisation format
                  of visibility data:
                   - convert input data in Stokes parameter format to XX format
                   - calculate UT start
                   - calculate precession rotation angle if not filled
                   - recalculate MJD for observations aborted at Wbork
        REGROUP  create a second index for each of one or more sets of sector.

   One-time fixes:

        FROM_OLD convert old (R-series) uv-data file into NEWSTAR .SCN file
        WERR     correct one-time mosaic WSRT tape errors (1991 data only)
        AERR     change sign of phases


Prompt: output filename
Expected input: Character *80: 1 value

Specify the full name for the output disk file.

For the NSCAN DUMP option, don't specify a file extension: it will be made by
the program on the basis of the label number.

For the other NSCAN options, specify a full file-name.


Prompt: output tape label
Expected input: Integer: 1 value

        Specify the first output tape label.
* or 0 indicates the end of the tape (i.e. append the new labels at the end).


Prompt: Mosaic field sequence number(s)
Expected input: Integer: 1 to 512 values

        Select the SEQUENCE numbers of the fields (= mosaic 'pointing
centres') to be selected. (see Note below).

NOTE that WSRT mosaic fields are numbered starting at 1

   '*' selects all fields

   '<begin> TO <end>> BY <step>' selects fields <begin>, <begin>+<step>, ...
        up to <end>. The 'BY <step>' part may be omitted.
   BEWARE: The notation <begin>-<end>:<step> will be interpreted as an
        expression and give incorrect results

Each of the selected fields will be stored in the .SCN file as a separate
'field' (fld) under the current 'group' and 'observation' grp.obs. (Remember
that .SCN file 'sectors' are identified by indices grp.obs.fld.chn.seq).

        The numbers you specify refer to the SEQUENCE (starting with 0) in
which the mosaic fields aqppear on the tape. Normally, an observation starts
with field 0 and the sequence numbers equal the field numbers. However, if your
observation starts 'somehere in the middle', this is no longer the case and you
must be careful in selecting your fields. Example:

        Your observation starts at field 19. To select fields 19 through 24,
specify POINTING_SETS= 0 TO 5.


Prompt: new index pattern (grp.obs.fld.chn.seq)
Expected input: Character *32: 1 value

Specify a new index pattern (
into which to change the index pattern of the input Set of uv-data Sectors.

Each index in the pattern that contains an * is copied from the input Set.
Other fields are used as is (true for the first four fields, i.e.

Example: To change the indices of the Set
        0.*.15283.* to
        0.*.0    .*

give the first selection as the input Set, and the second as the pattern.


Prompt: output polarisations (ONE 'value') |
Expected input: Character *4: 1 value

Specify the polarisation(s) to be written:

        I:      I only
        Q:      Q only
        U:      U only
        V:      V only

        IQ:     I and Q
        UV:     U and V
        IQUV:   I, Q, U and V

        X:      XX only
        XXY:    XY only
        YYX:    YX only
        Y:      YY only

        XY:     XX and YY
        YX:     XY and YX
        XYX:    all four: XX,XY,YX,YY

Parameter TYPE_TAPE

Prompt: Which type tape
Expected input: Character *6: 1 value

Specify the type of the tape.

Currently we support two types: WSRT and LEIDEN.

Parameter WERR_HA

Prompt: Hour-angle correction (deg)
Expected input: DoublePrecision: 1 value

Specify the angle to be added to all hour angles in the .SCN file

NOTE: This is a special feature to be used only to correct errors made in the
on-line observation.


Prompt: WERR action
Expected input: Character *24: 1 value

Specify correction to be performed:

   WE0:   correct Hour angles for tape error in splitted mosaic tapes before
           online version 62
   WE1:   correct all Hour angles with a constant offset
   QUIT:  no more

Parameter WERR_RA

Prompt: RA of mosaic centre
Expected input: DoublePrecision: 1 value

Specify the Right Ascension of the centre of the mosaic area



















