Public parameter group SELECT



This document contains an overview of the public parameter group SELECT, (part of) which is included in several NEWSTAR programs.

The document describes the individual parameters in alphabetical order. This description centers on the Help texts, which have been designed to guide the user to the proper choice at each junction, even if his knowledge of the overall workings of the program is only superficial.

Please note that the generic prompt and help texts defined for these parameters are frequently superseded in the actual applications by alternative texts that are more appropriate to the situation at hand. Unfortunately, the present architecture of NEWSTAR precludes the inclusion of such texts in the documentation system, so the only opportunity to read that information is during program execution (in your terminal window!).

Descriptions of the individual parameters

References to public interfaces

Parameter HA_RANGE

Prompt: HA range (may vary per application)
Expected input: Real: 1 to 2 values

        Specify the hour-angle range to be selected


Prompt: Changes to the interferometer selection| (may vary per application)
Expected input: Character *4: 1 to 40 values

        Specify how you want to change the interferometer selection.

Interferometers are defined as combinations of two telescopes; an
interferometer may thus contain 1, 2 or 4 polarisations.

A combination of two different telescopes is called a CROSS[-correlating]
interferometer, a telescope combined with itself an AUTO[-correlating]
interferometer. At present, WSRT data contain only cross-interferometer data,
so selection/elimination of auto-interferometers is irrelevant.

The following codes are used to identify (groups of) telescopes:

        P       show the present selection table

   For the WSRT:
                 individual WSRT telescopes (case-insensitive)
        *       all telescopes or all cross interferometers
        F       all fixed telescopes = 0 through 9
        M       all movable telescopes = A through D
        Y       telescopes A and B
        Z       telescopes C and D
        #       autocorrelation

   Additional codes for the Australian Telecope Compact Array (ATCA):
        T       ATCA telescopes (8-D)
        U       the ATCA complement (0-7).

An interferometer specification without a prefix or prefixed with a + sign is
SELECTED, a specification with a minus sign prefixed is ELIMINATED. Selection
and elimination are incremental. Up to 40 select/eliminate specifications may
be given, separated by comma's; they will be honored in the order in which you
give them. Prompting will continue until you stop replying.

The standard operation is on the cross-correlations. A telescope name followed
with a # indicates the auto-correlations.

        -3F     eliminate combinations of 3 with other fixed telescopes
        FM,-9A  select all fixed-movable combinations (the WSRT's 40 'standard'
                 interferometers) except 9A
        -#,33   eliminate all auto-interferometers, then re-select 33


Prompt: Changes to the telescope selection| (may vary per application)
Expected input: Character *4: 1 to 20 values

        Specify how you want to change the telescope selection.

The following codes are used to identify (groups of) telescopes:

        P       show the present selection table

   For the WSRT:
                individual WSRT telescopes (case-insensitive)
        *       all telesopes
        F       all fixed telescopes = 0 through 9
        M       all movable telescopes = A through D
        Y       telescopes A and B
        Z       telescopes C and D

   Additional codes for the Australian Telecope Compact Array (ATCA):
        T       ATCA telescopes (8-D)
        U       the ATCA complement (0-7).

A telesope specification without a prefix or prefixed with a + sign is
SELECTED, a specification with a minus sign prefixed is ELIMINATED. Selection
and elimination are incremental. Up to 20 select/eliminate specifications may
be given, separated by comma's; they will be honored in the order in which you
give them. Prompting will continue until you stop replying.

Examples: -*,3,+3,-8,*,-F,-U,T

Parameter SELECT_XYX

Prompt: polarisations (may vary per application)
Expected input: Character *4: 1 value

        Select the polarisation(s) to be used:

        XYX     all four combinations (XX,YX,YX,YY)
        XY      XX and YY
        X       XX only
        Y       YY only
        YX      XY and YX
        YYX     YX
        XXY     XY



















