The Program NPLOT


Overview of NPLOT options

The program NPLOT has the following main options:

NPLOT output

After selecting an NPLOT option, the PLOTTER question is asked:


Produces QMS formatted files, for which currenlty no printers are available
QMS QMS laser printer in landscape orientation
QMSP QMS laser printer in portrait orientation
Produces output on VT terminal:
REGIS graphics VT terminal (e.g. VT330)
FREGIS (*) REGIS to file
Produces PostScript files on disk (which may fill up quickly!):
EPS encapsulated PostScript for use in textprocessors etc
EPP EPS in portrait mode
EAL encapsulated PostScript A3 plotter landscape
EAP EPS A3 in portrait mode
Produces PostScript files, and prints them automatically (if you are lucky)
on the New PostScript laser printer in the Dwingeloo computer room:
PSL Postscript (do not use halftone: slow!)
PSP PostScript in portrait mode
PAL Postscript A3 (do not use halftone: slow!)
PAP PostScript A3 in portrait mode
Bit maps:
BIT1 (*) bitmap for 100 dpi
BIT2 (*) bitmap for 200 dpi
BIT3 (*) bitmap for 300 bpi
Produces a X11-plot on the Workstation (or X-terminal) screen.
X11 X11 terminal
(*) = not implemented yet.

All plot file names start with the 3-4 letters of the selected option (e.g. EPS), followed by a unique combination of characters based on the time and the date. All plot files have the extension .PLT.

Plotting a map from a WMP file

NPLOT option MAP can be used to make contour plots or greyscale plots of 2-dimensional pixel-arrays stored in a WMP-file. These may be maps, antenna-patterns, residuals etc, but also gridded uv-data (see the description of the program NMAP, and the WMP file). They can also be displayed (and analysed) as a color image on the X11 screen with the program NGIDS.

*** Put new script here ****

The plot is now made, and sent to the laser plotter automatically if that has been specified. The program will then prompt the user for the next plot to be specified.

**** Put new script here ****

It is also possible to make `ruled-surface' plots, halftone plots and plots in polar coordinates (gridded uv-data).

Plotting uv-data from a SCN-file

NORMAL: interferometers vs time (HA)

**** Put new script here ****

The plot is now made, and sent to the laser plotter automatically if that has been specified. The program will then prompt the user for the next plot to be specified.

**** Put new script here ****

PLUVO: frequency channels vs time (HA)

**** Put new script here ****




















