NCOPY programmmer's documentation
Contributed by JPH, 940208.
JPH 941031 Clarify handling of APPLY/DEAPPLY masks before and after changes of October 1994.
JPH 941121 prefix underscores with slashes
NCOPY Phase 2 is still a relatively straigthforward program. The structure follows standard Newstar practice, with a main dispatching routine NCOPY, initialisation and user-parameter input routines NCOINI and NCODAT, and routines NCOxxx> that do the actual work. Some parameter input may be done by the latter.
There are currently two main options:
. For a number of variables and data structures, NCOCPY has an input and an output copy, which are distinguished by the prefixes I and O: IPLN OPLN, etc. This is in anticipation of their I and O values being different, as some already may be, line ISCN and OSCN. Pairs that are currently identical are linked by EQUIVALENCEs,
INIFR and ONIFR. "O" variables that are not equivalenced must be explicitly assigned.
. The basic logic of NCOPCPY is straightforward. NSCSTG is repeatedly called to read sectors. Each sector's HA range is checked against the user's range and first and last scan numbers to be copied, SCNFST and SCNLST, are established. The condition that the output need no more polarisations than present in the input is also checked.
. ISTH is then copied to OSTH and written tentatively, with as many changes as possible already made; its address is saved for a later rewrite. Next, the IFR table is copied and the file address of the scans block established.
. The WSRT headers are copied in an internal subroutine at label 2020. This routine consists of calls to:
. The model lists and visibilities are copied in an internal subroutine at label 2010.
. Finally, the newly made sector is linked into the index structure. The code is patterned after that of NSCREG.
NCOCPY is responsible for the following OSTH fields that differ from their ISTH peers:
NCOCPY is responsible for the following OSCH fields that differ from their ISCH peers:
Several input data structures may be linked by more than one pointer, and each link might give rise to a separate copy. For copying such structures, NCOCPB must be used. It maintains a checklist of input file addresses of blocks it has already copied, with the corresponding output file addresses. The calling program is responsible for allocating a buffer for this list and initialising it through a special call to NCOCPB. Details of this and other variant calls are to be found in NCOCPB's header. Since there can(?) be no duplications of data structures between groups, the checklist is reinitialised for every new input group. The blocks that may have multiple references are:
. The following tests were made to check NCOPY:
Upon request of Ger de Bruijn, all input flags are also copied to the output. To this end, the calls to NSCSCR and NSCSCW have been changed to calls to NSCSCF and NSCSFW, respectively. These have an extra parameter in which the flag settings from the input are transferred to the output. The new entry points exist in the new version of NSCSCR and NSCSCW which are still being tested in JPH's shadow system. If desired, it is very simple to add code to suppress the copying of flags. Test: Use a 720-scan single-polarisation file. NFLAG, flag_optionDETERM, ops_determPBAS, pbas_limits=0,200. This results in 18in a 270-scan single-polarisation file. flag_optionINSPECT, ops_inspectIFR gives an overview per interferometer. Copy the file with NCOPY and test the copy with NFLAG, flag_optionINSPECT, ops_inspectCOUNT, select_flagALL, sub_cubeNO. This gives the same result.
Test: Copy a simple observation A to B, then B to C, and verify that overviews of B and C are identical.