The MDL-file (model components)
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The above model is in `local mode', which means that no reference position or reference frequency is known. This information may be taken from a SCN-file (use NMODEL option CONVERT), and stored with the model in the MDL file. The model then looks like this:
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The coordinates may als be viewed in RA and DEC:
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Note that not all source parameters (see below) are visible here. They may be inspected in the log-file whenever the model has been used.
The source components in a NEWSTAR model have the following parameters:
NB: CLEAN components:
- Are not corrected for beam smearing in SELFCAL.
- Are confined to map grid postions, which may result in poor subtraction.
- Their positions cannot be "updated" automatically after SELFCAL.
Therefore, use ``proper sources'' for strong point sources, and CLEAN components for weak extended sources (but only if necessary).
In various NEWSTAR programs (NMODEL, NCALIB, NMAP etc) the user is able to handle the list of model components in various ways. The keyword often used is MODEL_OPTION:
Sources at epoch 1950 at 05:38:43.51,, 1417.248 MHz
10 sources (0 deleted) with 4453.700 W.U. (Max= 1900.000, Min= 2.200)
In many cases, the user may specify sources in the list upon which some `handling' options is to act. The specification may be in the form of a SOURCE_LIST of id-numbers, separated by comma's (e.g. 3,6,7,2,34). If the user answers with
(Source number list)
(Source number range)
= "":
means all sources
If the flux or position of one of the sources in the list is known, it may be used as a calibrator. In the example, all 10 fluxes of the example model used above are multiplied by a factor (2000/1900), to make the flux of the first one equal to 2000 W.U. At the same time, all positions are shifted.
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The source components may be sorted in many different ways. The option SORT orders all components in order of decreasing flux. This operation is performed before each WRITE, so that the components in an MDL file are always sorted this way!.
FSORT allows the sorting on a range of criteria. In this example, the soorces are sorted in the order of decreasing m-coordinate:
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Other possibilities are:
- I: amplitude
- L,M: l or m
- LM,ML: l and m, or m and l
- ID: identification
- Q,U,V: Q or U or V
- SI,RM: spectral index or rotation measure
- LA,SA,PA: long or short axis, position angle
- BITS: bits (i.e. if source is extended or has polarisation)
- TYP: source type (0 is the standard)
- CC: clean component
- TP2: reserved
- DIST: distance to a specified centre
- POL: polarised intensity
Model components may be edited in various ways, using `handling' options CLEAR, ZERO, ADD, MERGE, DEL, DNCLOW, DCLOW (see the overview above). The handling options EDIT and FEDIT allow specific parameters (`fields') to be edited separately. EDIT acts on a specified source, and FEDIT acts on a range of sources. The possibilities are:
- I: amplitude
- L,M: l or m
- ID: identification
- Q,U,V: Q or U or V
- SI,RM: spectral index or rotation measure
- LA,SA,PA: long or short axis, position angle
- BITS: bits (i.e. if source is extended or has polarisation)
- TYP: source type (0 is the standard)
- CC: clean component
- TP2: reserved
The calculation of uv-model data (for comparison with uv-data in NCALIB)i s time consuming. Therefore, a calculated uv-model is saved in the .SCN file for which it is calculated, together with the source list used. In all programs that use the model data it can be specified how the model calculation should be done, and if the calculation should be saved. The relevant question is MODEL_ACTION, which expects a list of three answers. The first one can be one of:
The second answer can be BAND or NOBAND, and specifies if in the model calculation source data should be corrected for bandsmearing to match the actual data better. The third answer can be TIME or NOTIME to indicate the use of integration time smearing.